So, I took this morning off of work to drive up to A&A in Brentwood which is an all Cadillac parts yard to pick up a timing cover housing for the Eldo. Apparently, this part is much coveted, and therefore runs some serious cash. I paid $275, and while I was there picked up an "E" for the side emblem that was missing. which ran me another $10. A&A is expensive but they have the parts and they are close. There was one in Arizona for $212 shipped, but it would have taken until the middle of next week to get here and I wouldn't have to car out of the shop until at least the end of the week. At least this way, I may have the car done earlier, plus I got to see the part I was buying before it went on the car.
I have also attempted to contact an upholsterer that advertises on craigslist a lot, he has not replied to me yet. I want to hold off on buying the fabric until I can verify with the upholsterer that I don't need to purchase the vinyl parts of the seat too. If I don't hear back by Monday, I'll try to find a shop in the area.
One the way up to Brentwood, I thought I smelled a burning fluid in the Porsche... At first I thought it was oil, but them I recognized that smell as differential fluid. I'll have to check it when I get home tonight. I need a garage so badly!
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