So, it appears as though I didn't need the radiator. One of the hoses on the back side of the radiator was not clamped tight enough and was dripping down, making it look as though it was leaking from the bottom of the radiator, if I had looked close enough, I would have noticed this. I think I'm just in a rush to get this car finished, and I'm not really paying attention.
My brother made a makeshift overflow tank (since I did not have one) for me out of a water bottle. It doesn't look too bad; it's hidden away in the battery compartment.
The guy on Ebay claims he's going to send me my parts (the bezel and whatnot) so I get them before my show...we'll see.
On a side note, I went to 'Vette Magic (yearly corvette-only drags) yesterday with my brother and dad, and did pretty well. I raced the '73 'vette and got to the semi-finals for my bracket before the tranny fluid started leaking out and I got disqualified. I think I got fourth place, but since I was disqualified, I don't know if I actually get fourth place (we didn't stick around to find out). Unfortunately, my brother did not get to race because the car was disqualified. Dad raced his 99 vette, and was eliminated the first round. Since the car is new I don't think he knows it well enough to pick a time.
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