Monday, September 25, 2006

Pretty cars

I washed and waxed the 944 last night, it was looking pretty ratty with the bird poop on the hood and all...I also washed but did not wax the '67 eldo (it was waxed in June).

On Saturday, Jim borrowed my 944 to go to the store and get his hair cut. He turned on the air in the car (which I never do). When I started it next to move it the fans belt were squeeking like crazy until I shut the air off. I hope that doesn't mean something...I wonder if the compressor is going out.

Friday, September 22, 2006


I am having a party at my house and have been focusing all my energy on cleaning up all the crap in my house, so nothing is done on the car yet.

I need to call eppco and find out about body work, and find the reciepts for my starters so I can get the core charges back, and return the last one...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I've done nothing on my cars. I went to LA for the weekend instead.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Poor Porsche...

Jim drove my Porsche on Tuesday because my arms were too sore to shift from working on that starter on Sunday and his car was boxed in the driveway. He used to own the exact same car: same model, same transmission (and year) car as this, but he's so used to his Accord now, that he tried to start the car with out pushing the clutch in, right after he said "oh yeah, it's a stick..." I found this very funny since his favorite running joke every time he is in that car with me is the "Women can't drive manual transmissions." The best part is he did it again later! :-)

Oh, and then on the way home, he got pulled over because my taillight was out. He got a warning(we didn't tell the cop we knew about the problem). Good thing I wasn't driving! I really need to see about fixing that...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Starter Fiasco

Sunday, I went to go put the new starter in the convertible. The day started off well with plenty of time to get the starter in and trouble-shoot in case it still didn't turn over. I took all the wiring off the starter, and unbolted the bracket, and the first bolt easily, the last bolt was a bit of a pain and took a while because it is a really long bolt, and the ratchet would not fit and I had to do with a regular wrench. All while I lay on the ground and held the starter up to keep the bolt aligned. As I unbolted it, all I was thinking was "damn, I wish we had a ratcheting wrench set here."

Then I broke the third starter, and had to go get another...I was trying to take the nut off of the copper bolt that is where the positive battery cable connects to the starter, and the nut was on there so tight, that the entire copper bolt twisted right off when I tried to take it off.

I went to Kragen down the street and got another, got lunch and when I got home I was looking around in the garage and found a ratcheting wrench set that was missing a couple wrenched, but NOT missing the size wrench I needed! How easy it would be to put the new starter in... I thought

Once I got under there and got the new starter positioned, I realized the ratcheting wrench was also too thick to fit between the bolt and the transmission. Uh! What a pain to hold up the (heavy) starter and try to align and tighten this huge bolt at an awkward angle. plus, I must have had food coma after my lunch, because the first few times I tried putting this on, I was turning the wrench the wrong way, and kept wondering why the bolt kept falling back out (Jim says this is actually because I don't know my right from my left, but it's not true! I claim disorientation from being upside down and food coma).

After I get the thing in there with the two main bolts, I go to but the bracket back on and realize that there is no hole in this starter to screw the bracket into. Then I look at where the starter meets the transmission, and notice that it does not line up exactly where the old one did. SO, I check the one I just took off and the new one, and they are different part numbers. Ugh! What a waste of a day.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

1993 ETC

I totally flaked on the engine for the '93. I don't want to spend the money. I just want to concentrate on the '67 convertible. I wonder if I should part it out to fund the convertible project.

Also, I was looking at my paint chips for the '67 and '68, and I think I do want to go with the '67 color of Atlantis Blue Firemist the spectre blue from '68 looks too blue.

Friday, September 01, 2006

For Sale

I have listed for sale my '93 Eldo, I'm going to give it another shot on Craigslist before I buy a new engine. I think I'm finally ready to part with it.

To be realistic, there just in not enough time to rebuild all my cars. The Porsche is going to need a new clutch soon, and the convertible needs so much work before next August, I really need to spend my time and money on it.

I'm also really depressed about the dent in the bumper on the '67 Eldo, and the thought went through my head that I should sell it before I destory it any further. that thought quickly left though.