Saturday, August 25, 2007

Flat tire

I brought the car back to where I got the new tires, and they said the wheel was causing the leak, and proceeded to try to sell me new wheels, after explaingin to them that I do not want new wheels, and even if I were to need to purchase new ones, I'd get the appropriate wheels for the car, they said they would try to put a temporay fix on the wheel grinding the leaking area down, and putting an sealant on the area, to keep it from leaking for the short term. They put the spare on the car, and kept the problem wheel, I am expecting a call Monday to let me know when it's ready. My dad thinks they scratched the chrome on the wheel when they put the new tires on, causing the leak. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but I will probably not come back for tires again.

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