Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's Alive!!!

The convertible starts!! I put a new ground strap and a new positive battery cable on and now it starts! That's what I get for not changing out the easy stuff first...I moved it from the spot it was occupying (which will become a pit of mud as soon as it rains) so it would be easy to access it when I can get a trailer to tow it to my house (could not find one this weekend).

I went to go change the brake pads on the 944, but the pads are not worn (at all) this seems weird to me, I usually go through brakes so quickly, and they have been squeaking so much, I'm worried that they are wearing unevenly and the insides are worn but the outsides are not. Also, I discovered that the locking lug nut on the rear drivers wheel is not letting me unlock it with the key I have. It's like there is something stuck in the lock. I will poke around with a toothpick or something to see if there is something in there.

also, My dad came to my house today and helped me track down the reason for the non-operational brake lights on the 67 Eldo. He suspects the signal switch in the steering column. I'll hunt down a place to order one this week.

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